Well, we finally got Emery going on the skiis--now we're working on teaching her to turn and stop!!! Ahhh, the distress of every parent teaching young ones to ski--how do we get them to go? And where did she go??? Emery is having a great time "being a patroller just like dad". She's talking about how she's going to have to start working nights "because she's on the ski patrol at the mountain". We just love that big spirit in a little body! We got to the mountain Saturday morning, and as we were all setting up our skiis, and stepping into our bindings, lo and behold, little 5 year old Emery had already put her skiis on and was skiing away. When Lance told me she was doing well, I didn't realize she was taking command of the mountain...I caught up to her just in time to hear her telling the snowboarder slipping by on her left, "this is how you need to ski, you need to make a pizza" Oh, how she makes us smile!